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Sterile AlphaSat® 10 with WFI incorporates SterileWipe™ LP 10 sealed-border wipers pre-wetted with 70% USP Isopropyl Alcohol (IPA) and 30% Water for Injection (WFI) in a resealable flatpack package. SterileWipe™ LP 10 is a 100% continuous-filament polyester wiper with thermally sealed borders that have been designed to control particle and fiber contamination. Each case of wipers is triple-bagged and gamma irradiated to a Sterility Assurance Level (SAL) of 10 -6 in accordance with ANSI/AAMI/ISO 11137-1994.

Sterile AlphaSat® 10 with WFI is used to clean critical sterile environments in pharmaceutical aseptic processing areas, biotechnology manufacturing facilities, microbiological laboratories, and prep room.


Sterile AlphaSat® 10 with WFI

SterileWipe LP 10 sealed-border, polyester wipers pre-wetted with 70% IPA/30% WFI. Ideal for cleaning equipment and environmental surfaces in critical aseptic environments. Use for final wipedown to remove residual disinfectant. Remove contaminants when wiping gloved hands.

TX Number Description Packaging Documents

12" x 12" (31 cm x 31 cm)

50 wipers/flexpack
5 flexpack/case
TDS - English (US)