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How to Properly Install a Sticky Mat

16th Oct 2015

Sticky mats are a valuable addition to any cleanroom.

Sticky mats, sometimes called adhesive mats, are incredibly beneficial for cleanrooms because they drastically minimize the amount of contamination that gets tracked in by wheels, shoes and other sources. However, just like all of the other cleanroom supplies we offer, in order for your sticky mat to work properly, it has to be installed properly. Luckily, our experts have come up with this step by step guide to installing a sticky mat:

Step #1. Choose the right location.

While sticky mats are designed to reduce contamination in cleanrooms, they aren't supposed to be installed on the inside of a cleanroom. The proper place to install a sticky mat is at the entrance of a cleanroom. Before installing your sticky mat, consider the size and location. You will need to ensure that your sticky mat is big enough to allow for up to 3 steps so that debris and dirt can get removed fully. 

Step #2. Make sure you are installing your sticky mat on the right surface.

Sticky mats are designed to adhere to smooth, non-porous, moisture-free surfaces, and they tend to work well with vinyl tile or flooring and epoxy floors with a smooth finish. Do not install a sticky mat onto concrete or tile that has grout lines, as it won't stay very effectively. 

Now that you know where to install your sticky mat and what surface it should be installed on, it's time to learn about how to prepare the surface and install your sticky mat. Stay tuned for our next blog to learn more.