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Proper Wiping Technique

1st Feb 2016

SOS Clean Rooms is a top distributor of Tex Wipes clean room supplies, from

The proper use of cleanrooms wipes from Texwipe might seem like a no-brainer but unless you’ve been thoroughly, properly trained in clean room techniques, you might not know some of these tips or maybe you need a refresher course.

When using, for example a Texwipe pre-wetted wipe, you may instinctively move in a circular motion to clean the area. This is better for spreading the contamination, rather than cleaning it up. In order to properly clean an area, you need to use a more efficient method.

Get your wipe and fold it in fourths (many come pre-folded for just this purpose). Each wipe thusly folded, has 8 potential surfaces to clean. If you are using a dry wiper, spray the cleaner onto the wiper evenly. To begin cleaning, use one surface of the wipe to wipe from the farthest point toward you in a slow and steady motion, making one motion only. Once you have wiped toward yourself one time, fold the wipe so that you have a new and unused surface of the wipe. You should overlap the first wipe area a small amount. When you have wiped again in one direction, you need to get yet another unused surface of the pre-wetted wipe. Move over to clean a new stripe of the area. Again, wipe from the farthest spot toward yourself in a steady, one direction. In order to maintain consistency always wipe from back to front and from left to right and cleanest to dirtiest.

For the best pre-wetted and dry wipes as well as all clean room supplies, shop Texwipe Clean Room Supplies.