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What are Sticky Mats?

Posted by SOS Cleanroom on 3rd Apr 2017

Managing to keep a room empty of debris, dust, and any other particles that may be floating through the air is a tough job. When you start off with this task, whether you have experience or not, it can be overwhelming to look at all of the products that they offer these days, and find the ones that will provide you with the best results. At SOS Cleanroom, we do our best to offer a wide selection of products for you to choose from, but also enough variety for you to have some leeway with what is best for you and your cleanroom. Today we are going to focus on sticky mats, also known as tacky mats, how they work, and what they bring to a cleanroom. They’re one of our most popular products, and for good reason.

What Is a Sticky Mat

Well, the overall attempt to minimize the amount of dirt and dust in a cleanroom is challenging, and while there are certain types of flooring that make it easier to minimize the chances of this building up, sticky mats are a fantastic way to truly eliminate the buildup of debris on your floor on your floor.

How do They Work

The way that these wonderful products work is through the material that they’re composed of. The surface of these saferoom mats is designed to pull any of the particles that we mentioned above, off of the sole of a shoe. The way that this is beneficial is that any person walking into a cleanroom no longer has to worry about whether or not they did track anything into the room, the mat will ensure you’ve gotten all the small particles off beforehand!

Each of the sticky mats that you purchase will have either 30 or 60 different layers of polyethylene film. The film itself is sturdy and each one is about ⅛ of an inch, so even when they build up, the mat as a whole isn’t incredibly thick. Now, this may seem like a strange layout, but the way that it works is actually to benefit you and your team! Once a layer has dust and dirt caught into it, and it has gone through use for, say a day or even a time period where there was heavy foot traffic, you can easily pick up the corner and tear the sheet off. After that, simply through it into the trash and you’re all set with a new sticky pad ready to go.

Maintaining the cleanliness of your cleanroom is something that you are always going to strive to do, and for good reason. When it comes to the point of small particles like dust and dirt, make sure that you have a product you can rely on.

SOS Cleanroom has a variety of sticky mats. From different sizes to different amounts that you can purchase in, we make sure that your cleanroom is taken care of. Make sure to check out all of our cleanroom sticky mats so that you can feel confident about the products that you use in your cleanroom.