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Why We Love TX1009 Cleanroom Wipers (And You Should, Too!)

Posted by SOS Cleanroom on 22nd Sep 2016

Have you discovered and loved the TX1009 Cleanroom Wiper yet? Yes? Then we’re sure you already love it as much as we do. No? Why, then you’re missing out! Delay no longer at getting yourself a package. However, if you need additional reasons why the TX 1009 Cleanroom wiper is easy to love, here are the reasons why we love it.

1. We’re already used to grabbing a paper towel or Clorox® wipe at home.

Who uses rags or sponges any more? When we’re at home and we have a spill or a quick thing to wipe up, we reach for the easiest thing to use, and that’s usually a paper towel or a moistened wipe. However, when you’re in the cleanroom, you just don’t have the luxury of bringing in a roll of paper towels. Heavens! We shudder at the very thought of all that lint. Fortunately, we don’t have to long for a wipe in silence when we’re working in the cleanroom--there’s the TX1009 AlphaWipe to fit the bill perfectly. With its low-lint Polyester design, the TX1009 AlphaWipe by Texwipe is an amazing solution for easily cleaning up spills and wiping down surfaces.

2. Cleaning the cleanroom environment is labor intensive.

And Aunt Martha thought she had clean floors and counters! No matter how meticulous your home cleaning methods might be, the cleanroom cleaning procedures are even more rigorous, and you don’t want your cleanup duties to make you late to leave work. At the same time, you’re also committed to not taking shortcuts and you would never cut corners--but does that put you in a catch-22? Not with the TX 1009 to help you to expedite all those jobs. Reach for the TX1009 and always have one or two refills at hand to make sure you never run out.

3. The TX1009 is highly sorbent.

You wouldn’t believe the quality of engineering that goes into these things. These AlphaWipe Dry Wipers have a Sorptive Capacity of 530 mL2 and a sorptive rate of 0.5 seconds. Therefore, you don’t have to use very many wipes to get a job done. In fact, we recommend folding each wipe into fourths as you use it for a larger surface so that you can increase the number of clean surfaces available and unfold or refold as you go.

4. The TX1009 has ultra low levels of particles and extractables.

It’s hard to imagine just how they succeed in reducing the TX1009’s propensity to shed, but its continuous-filament polyester construction is responsible for low levels of contamination. Texwipe's tests show that the TX1009 creates only 10 x 106 particles/m2 between 0.5 and 5.0 micrometers.

These are just a few of the reasons we’ve fallen in love with the TX 1009 Cleanroom Wipers. Do you have other reasons to love them that you’d like to share? We'd love to hear about it. Tell us on Twitter with #SOSCleanroom. In the meantime, don’t wait any longer--order your TX1009 wipes today, and get a couple of refill packs (TX 1009B) while you’re at it.

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